That time I stopped posting stories on my Medium blog
It had been nearly six months since I wrote anything new for my Medium blog or even felt an urge to create something. I didn’t have anything new to say. There was nothing rumbling around in my head that I just had to get out onto a page. There was no fire shut up in my bones or a story I just had to birth into the world.
My creative flow wasn’t flowing. I wouldn’t call it writer’s block though. I had no desire to work through it or to sit down in front of my computer until the words magically materialized. Hell, I was tired, and I just wanted to watch Netflix and decompress from adulting, paying bills, and working a job that seemed to demand every single one of my brain cells.
That is until I went poking around on Medium again and saw some of the content that my fellow writers were publishing.
Funny, crazy, delicious, sexy, scary stories. Some true and some not so true. Some that made me laugh too loud and some that made me question what I was doing with my life.
Lo and behold I felt my creative spark start to flicker just a little bit like a lone butterfly dancing in my belly.
So here we I am cranking out a few paragraphs. Look at me. Out here creating again. I just can’t quit you Medium.
Sometimes we need to go through seasons where we get quiet, get still and just listen. Listen to the world around us and observe without judgement or interruptions. Perhaps that’s what sparks the creativity to draw us back to the page.
Stay tuned.